League Information
New season, same leagues! If you're interested in joining one of our leagues, we would be pleased to answer your questions and enroll you in the league that works best for you. From best ball to scramble we offer leagues for Men, Women, and Seniors.
Our Director of Golf can provide draw, scoring, handicapping, results and pairings for any size league. At the end of the season, our dining room can provide a season ending banquet everyone will enjoy.
Call us at 814-757-4765 or send an email to golf@cablehollow.com.
Check out our leagues by clicking on the boxes below!
Friday Morning
Senior League
Teams of four senior men (55+) will play scheduled opponents.
Compete for weekly points and participate in the weekly 50/50 drawing.
Designed for all skill levels.
Play 9 holes of golf starting May 3rd on Friday Mornings with tee-times starting at 8:00a.m. on both nines.
Play your own ball in a 4-man team format.
For more information, please contact the league officers:
President- Dave Gayton (716) 397-7158
Treasurer- Wayne Matve (814) 757-8734
Statistician- Ralph Keniston (814) 723-6470

Friday Evening
Couples League
Couples League is in its 2nd year at Cable Hollow Golf Course! It was well received by all who played last year - and we want to see it continue to grow. What better way to end your week than at the golf course with your partner?!
Every Friday, in a relaxed atmosphere, come out to Cable Hollow to get to meet other couples that enjoy playing! After the round, we invite all to enjoy our dinner specials at Cable Hollow Restaurant with one another.
League will play from May 17th through September 8th, from 4:00-5:00pm.